1) Planning Process

A simple one page statement of your goals, both personally and professionally for the next several upcoming years.

2) Dynamic hard hitting Career Package including:

  • A resume that stands out from the crowd and gets employers excited.

  • A cover letter that appears to be written for each employer.

  • A reference list that supports youu.

3) Personal Marketing Plan to include:

Working your network of contacts. A plan to expand your network of contacts.

4) Research Companies

Before you interview,  research the company, to find out exactly what they are looking for in a candidate.

The best interview questions employers use start with "How," "What," and "Why." When employers use those words they give you a chance to explain what you have done and where you did it.

Employers are looking to hire people who can make their company better.

5) Prepare for Questions

  • What have been your most significant accomplishments the past year?

  • What has been the most difficult situation you have had to deal with? How did you deal with it?

  • What are the three things in your career that you are the proudest of?

  • Why have you made the career moves you have?

  • How have you made your current/last employer more successful?

  • What would make your current job more satisfying?

  • How would you restructure your current job to be more effective?

  • What management skills would you like to strengthen?

  • What skills would you like to acquire to make you a more effective supervisor? Leader? Mentor? Coach? Manager?

  • What position would you like to be in 5 years from now? What are you doing to prepare yourself for that position?